I love sea monsters, and the octopus is one of the best sea monsters in the world. It has eight arms, camouflage capability, and squirts ink! »
I love sea monsters, and the octopus is one of the best sea monsters in the world. It has eight arms, camouflage capability, and squirts ink! »
I had just a little bit of extra clay leftover from my ceramics class, so I decided to create a little monster. Orginally, I was going »
Not the kind of masks you're thinking of (unless you've also spent far too much time in a clean room in your life). I made a »
Well, this is actually a continuation of yesterday's work on the T-Rex watercolor drawing, although it is a standalone diptych. Everybody knows that brontosauruses are purple »
I was so inspired by my panel drawings (and my lack of time today) that I drew a T-Rex with Watercolors. My main predisposition to watercolors »