Falling Dots

I made a return to coding with some more fiddles. I might create a game where one avoids objects, or where one removes objects falling from the sky. The start to both games is a simple application where dots are falling from the sky. This is fairly easy to code, although I did a few tricks that hopefully make it a little more fun.

I allowed a user to change the number of time steps until the next object is created, and the speed at which the objects fall. When implemented in a game, these will be controlled by the level. After deciding that this could also be a simple way to make fun art, I decided to randomize the speed at which the objects fall, so the circles can overlap.

The colors are all randomized, based on my previous understanding of how to make hexadecimal codes of colors. The loop also runs at a constant rate, but does not necessarily make a new circle each time. That is controlled by the Time bar at the top of the fiddle.

At any point, the drops can be stopped and the image can be saved or copied with a right click. Check out the code here or below.