Recently, on this here pointless blog, I wanted to make a website which could generate random names, and I got a quick start based on a great word list. The next functionality that I wanted to add was the ability to display an image based on the search term.
Unfortunately, finding a method to grab a random image off of the internet based on a search term is a little trickier than I originally imagined. My goal was to simply find a coded url for a site, and then grab an image based off the search terms. Navigating the DOM for several search engines required more than simple cheerio navigation, but I eventually found that Shutterstock returned html which was easy to parse.
After a little experimentation and some replacement via regex, I managed to get the top image search result. The url is given by the following string"+word1+"+"+word2+"&media_type=images
, and the final code for retrieving and displaying the image is as follows:
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
var pichtml = "<img src=\"";
request(url, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error) {
// load a page into cheerio
// grab the entire body.
var $page = cheerio.load(body);
text = $page(".gc_clip").html();
text = text.replace(/.*<img src="/,"");
text = text.replace(/".*/,"");
pichtml = pichtml + text;
} else {
return "We’ve encountered an error: " + error;
pichtml = pichtml + "\">";
The next plan for this little application is to build a module which can respond to each click and then deploy it to the world!