Madonna's Influence

Many people claim that pop singers or other famous people have had an influence on their lives. This often is attributed to them being an inspiration to be themselves, or start learning an instrument, or choose a field of study based on a portrayal in a film. I think they often have more subliminal influences as well, and this is sometimes also acknowledged. Personally, I think that Madonna might have had a large subliminal influence on my life, with the help of VH1.

Twelve years ago, I moved away from Michigan, and I have only returned as a visitor in the intervening years. I had always had a desire to move away and explore and see the world, but recently I have been wondering if the famous line uttered by Madonna and repeated nonstop in commercials for the Behind the Music on VH1 had an influence on that decision. "I just wanted to get the hell out of Michigan". I probably heard that 100's of times, to the point where it is burned in my memory.

In the range of being inspired by a celebrity, this certainly falls under the more mundane results, and most likely it has resulted in some good for me. Especially during this time of year, I am not envious of those snowy days spent shoveling out the car before ending up late to all appointments.