Penis Fencing

A few years ago, I learned about the wonderful world of mating in a particular species of flatworms. The (quite scientific) term for the mating ritual performed by this species of flatworm is known as "penis fencing."

Penis fencing, as shown in the video above, is basically an attempt to become the father rather than the mother in the hermaphroditic species. Each worm attempts to stab their penis into the other worm in order to fertilize the eggs, producing offspring, and requiring the loser to be the mother. Here, the mother has to expend more energy over time, which is likely why the flatworms are so intent on victory. This ritual makes great fodder for thinkpieces that either exist or will soon exist in world which has Medium and Thought Catalog and countless blogs; however, I merely decided to attempt to draw a picture which captures the essence of the practice.

Penis Fencing: Colored pencils on paper

I promise that this blog will not merely be a thorough take on my pedestrian attempts to enter the art world, and that I will soon attempt more mundane coding projects. Starting with simple creative assignments hopefully ensures a blog that lasts longer than days.