Queen Anne's Lace

I finally got around to purchasing watercolors, and I decided to draw inspiration from my environment. Of course, my environment is a mere couple hundred square foot room that is mostly occupied by bicycles and furniture. I did find some great creations on my wall that were made by my grandma. She made beautiful stationary using dried Queen Anne's lace and would send me letters as often as she could. I always enjoyed receiving my letters from grandma, and ended up framing the last three that she sent me.

Queen Anne's lace can be seen littering the highways with wondrous white flowers throughout the late summer, and can even survive the incredibly dry summer that Seattle has seen. They are snowflakes gently resting on the bed of grass in the medians.

Watercolors are a brand new medium for me, and it took much more work than I expected; however, I am quite pleased with the result.

Watercolor of dried Queen Anne's lace