Hipster T-Rex
I love drawing dinosaurs. I was also feeling accomplished after a busy day where I managed to build and code some projects in my research job, »
I love drawing dinosaurs. I was also feeling accomplished after a busy day where I managed to build and code some projects in my research job, »
I had to rush to make something before embarking on a 55 mile bike ride out to the Cascades for an overnight. I was going to »
I want to get more comfortable with canvas to perhaps animate some art, or make an interactive site where users can make pictures, or just for »
In the city of Seattle, a day over 80 degrees is a call for heading to the beach, unless, of course, you happen to be in »
One of my favorite comics, and one of the inspirations for my current blog is A Softer World. I started getting interested in A Softer World, »