Drawing now with added Saving
A couple days ago, I made a jsfiddle that allowed me to make a canvas in html, choose some colors, and choose sizes for brush strokes. »
A couple days ago, I made a jsfiddle that allowed me to make a canvas in html, choose some colors, and choose sizes for brush strokes. »
I want to get more comfortable with canvas to perhaps animate some art, or make an interactive site where users can make pictures, or just for »
I recently set out to create a game of snake in Javascript using the canvas element; however, I quickly realized how much I had to learn. »
I decided to combine a couple projects I have started recently to make a complete website. The website is quite simple as there are no databases »
Whenever I get bored in meetings or during classes, I tend to doodle in the form of dinosaurs, especially T-Rex. I only learned how to draw »