Rules of the Morning
Before a certain time of day in most cities (varying a bit on location, even within a given metro), it is quiet; that quiet time is »
Before a certain time of day in most cities (varying a bit on location, even within a given metro), it is quiet; that quiet time is »
Starting things is a challenge, but keeping them going is easy. On bike tours, I have no problem getting up with the sun each day and »
I define many acts I do by their pointlessness. The more silly and pointless an activity, the more likely I will find some joy in it. »
Until Saturday, my favorite art forms were ones involving repetition, but now I realize that it is really the story behind the art that makes me »
Amsterdam is like the four-roommate living situation. The scale of enjoyableness in a living situation is not directly correlated with the number of roommates, but rather, »